Room hire

Bestuursgebouw Vergadercentrum zaal 033A

Campus & Facilities (C&F) hires rooms and venues for meetings and events at different locations in the city centre and the Utrecht Science Park. The self-service portal can be used to book rooms and venues if you have a Solis-id. If you don't have one you can send an e-mail to

Application deadline

  • Deadline for bookings within opening times: at least two days in advance.
  • Deadline for bookings outside opening times: at least four weeks in advance.

Change date

Within the university, education is scheduled first and then others can reserve rooms. Education is scheduled at two moments a year. C&F can then reserve rooms.

  • In July we reserve rooms for the period from September to January.
  • In December we reserve rooms for the period February to August.


Room rates for external clients (in Dutch)
Audiovisual equipment (in Dutch)

Rules and regulations

What are the conditions for meetings dealing with the situation in Gaza and/or Israel?

Since the end of August, meetings about the situation in Gaza and/or Israel can again be organized in the university buildings in the city center. For activities that are extra-curricular and not part of the regular curriculum, there are a number of conditions. These conditions apply at least until the beginning of next year.

The conditions are:

  • The meeting must be pre-registered with C&F/security via
  • There is a maximum of 40 - 50 participants
  • Meetings can be organized in premises designated by security
  • Pre-registration for the meeting is mandatory
  • Security assists with access control at the door

These conditions do not apply in advance for these types of meetings organized at the USP. For these activities, it is assessed situationally whether additional measures or conditions are necessary. Therefore, these types of activities must also be registered in advance with security.


Rooms are available to hire in the city centre and Utrecht Science Park. Click the names of the buildings in the menu on the left side of the page for more information. 


A range of facilities can be hired along with a room, e.g. audiovisual equipment, audiovisual assistance during the event and furniture. The events coordinator can advise you on this in a personal meeting.

Eurest is the in-house caterer for Utrecht University. In the portal you will find the total range of options, with the corresponding prices. 

Activities on the weekend

Do you want to organise an activity on a Saturday? That is possible. You should take into account that this results in extra costs. Namely for:

  • a receptionist for opening and closing the building;
  • a fire guard for fire safety;
  • cleaning
  • catering.

You can call the C&F Service Centre via 030-253 95 95 for more information.

More information

If you would like to know more about the possibilities or contact the events coordinator please fill out the self-service portal (log in with Solis-id), send an email to or call 030-253 95 95.