Rooms in the Administration building
Take a look how accessible the Administration building is. For example, you read more about the location of facilities such as a disabled toilet or pump room, contact details for assistance and any less accessible rooms
Van Lier en Eggink room
A room for 60 people in an arrangement of tables and chairs, or 100 people with chairs only. In principle, this room is only available to hire on Monday to Friday from 8.00 - 18.00.
This room is equipped with a computer, projector and screen, podium with lectern, microphone and Wi-Fi.
Conference Centre
The conference centre has five rooms. All rooms are equipped with a computer, projector, an LCD monitor and Wi-Fi. The rooms in the Conference Centre are available to hire on Monday to Friday only, from 9.00 - 18.00, and providing it is booked within two weeks.
Room 0.33A
A room for 20 people, arranged for meetings.
Room 0.33C
A room for 26 people, U-shape seating configuration.
Room 0.33E
A room for 12 people, arranged for meetings.
Room 0.33F
A room for 20 people, arranged for meetings.
Matthias Jorissen room (0.33G)
A room with seating for 36 people around an oval table.