
The Campus & Facilities (C&F) is responsible for providing facility services at Utrecht University, such as catering, room hire, cleaning, waste removal, post and transport, building care and maintenance. C&F is part of the University Corporate Offices.

The mission of the C&F is: We provide a continuously safe and comfortable working, study and research environment, with service-oriented and sustainable facility services, focused on the needs of education, research and patient care. 

Questions or reports

Do you have a question or do you want to report a failure/malfunction?

  • Fill out the self-service form.
  • Call the C&F Service Centre via (030-253) 95 95. Available from Monday to Thursday from 8.00 am to 10.00 pm and on Friday from 8.00 am to 7.00 pm.
  • Send a What's App message via 06 - 1003 4493.
  • You can also visit one of our service points. You can ask questions about audiovisual means, the campus card, catering, cleaning and about IT-related subjects like wifi, printers and UU computers. 

C&F Service points can be found in the following locations:

If you do not have a (lease) contract with the university please contact the C&F Service Centre via 030-253 95 95 or cf.topdesk@uu.nl.