The Executive Board
The Executive Board is Utrecht University’s highest administrative body. The Supervisory Board appoints the members of the Executive Board after hearing the University Council.
Professor Anton Pijpers, President
Executive assistant: Isabelle Oorschot
Tel. 06-28910683
Areas of responsibility:
- coordination, strategy and organisation
- administrative and legal affairs and representation
- human resources
- communications & marketing
- alumni policy and fundraising
- valorisation, entrepeneurship and external relations (region, The Hague, Brussels)
- area development
- sustainability programme
- internationalisation
- (SPO) Strategy, Personnel & Organisation Committee University Council
- University Labour Representation Board
See also the profile and CV of Professor Anton Pijpers.
Professor Henk Kummeling, Rector Magnificus
Executive assistant: Annemieke Hekking
Tel. 06-34128716
Areas of responsibility:
- research and education
- student policy and student organisations
- diversity & inclusion
- professorship policy and Board for the Conferral of Doctoral Degrees
- academic affairs
- science and culture
- university library
- cooperation in higher education
- Executive Board TUe/WUR/UMCU/UU Alliance
- Rectors League LERU
- Rectors Assembly Coimbra Group
- Rectors Assembly CHARM-EU
- (OOS) Education, Research & Student Affairs Committee University Council
See also the profile and CV of Professor Henk Kummeling.
Margot van der Starre, Vice President
Executive assistant: Ellen Koopman-Jacobs
Tel. 06-18590513
Areas of responsibility:
- finances
- information and communication technology
- housing
- facility management
- integral safety
- (FHID) Finance, Housing, ICT and Sustainability committee university council
See also the profile and CV of Margot van der Starre.
Niels Vreeswijk, student assessor
Tel. 06-43657329
Niels Vreeswijk participates in the weekly meetings of the Executive Board and other meetings relevant to policy development at the university level, such as the bilateral consultations with faculty boards and the consultations of the Executive Board with the Deans. His focus is on education and student-related issues. In order to be well informed, he maintains close contact with students and in particular the student assistants in the faculties, the student organisations and the students in the University Council.
Secretary to the Executive Board is Els Noorda.
Expenses and declarations
In order to increase transparency, the Executive Board has decided to make the reimbursements for services rendered and declarations of the members of the Executive Board available online once every year. The expenses and declarations with the underlying receipts are published online two months after the end of the year concerned.