Governance and organisation

Utrecht University management structure comprises two layers of governance: the central level of the university level and the level of the service departments and faculties. The governance structure of Utrecht University is laid down in a series of specific regulations, including the governance and management regulations.

Organisational Chart Utrecht University
Organisational Chart Utrecht University

Executive Board

The Executive Board is the highest administrative body within Utrecht University. Its members are appointed by the Supervisory Board.

Supervisory Board

In accordance with statutory requirements, the Supervisory Board serves as the supervisory body of Utrecht University. The Executive Board requires approval from the Supervisory Board for its Strategic Plan, Annual Report and the Annual Accounts.

University Administration

The University Administration consist of the University Corporate Offices and the University Library. Within the University Corporate Offices, six departments work alongside General Affairs to provide integrated support to the Executive Board. The University Library provides information services to both students and staff, for purposes of education and research.


Utrecht University has seven faculties that provide education and conduct research in the fields of the humanities, social sciences, law, economics, governance and organisation, geosciences, natural sciences, veterinary medicine and medicine.

Employee and student representation

Formal employee student representation bodies have been established for both levels of governance. The university considers the involvement of its employees and students to be of major importance.


Utrecht University is registered as a public benefit institution (ANBI). The RSIN number is 1798650. Download the Standard form for the obligation to publish educational institutions (PDF, in Dutch only).