Smoking tolerated spots

Utrecht Science Park turned smoke-free in the spring of 2021. In order to give smokers an alternative without causing inconvenience to others, the municipality has determined a handful of smoking tolerated spots. This page shows where these places are located. For a complete overview, see the map of the Utrecht Science Park.


De overdekte rookgedoogplek aan de Yalelaan bij Diergeneeskunde
The smoking tolerated spot on Yalelaan

Utrecht Science Park currently provides this sheltered smoking tolerated spot:

Afbeelding van de zogeheten DropPit ter hoogte van de Bolognalaan 50
This photo shows the so-called 'DropPit' on Bolognalaan

Utrecht Science Park currently provides two separate 'DropPits':

Stop smoking

Utrecht University has a number of stop-smoking books available for employees who would like to stop smoking. Interested? Send an email to and include 'Stop smking-book' in the subject line.