International networks
Strategic partnerships are essential to ensure continued high-quality research and outstanding academic programmes worldwide, as well as furthering the UU’s values and the achievement of the UU’s aims.
The international networks operate at both European and global levels and cover a range of functions, from innovation and lobbying EU educational policy to promoting lifelong learning and supporting university staff in conducting their work.

LERU is a renowned international research and education network, comprising 23 large and prominent research universities that together influence the European policy agenda. More on LERU.
Coimbra Group

Utrecht University is a member of the Coimbra Group: a network of strong European universities. In the Coimbra Group Utrecht University seeks cooperation around its strategic themes, and for new forms of exchange and global engagement. The Coimbra network is the springboard for projects and European funding, such as CHARM-EU with the universities of Barcelona, Montpellier, Dublin and Budapest. More about the Coimbra Group, or via Bart van de Laar,
International Association of Universities (IAU)

IAU aims to be the most representative and influential global association of diverse higher education institutions, promoting and advancing a dynamic leadership role for higher education in society by providing expert trends and analysis; publications and portals; advisory services; peer-to-peer learning; events; and global advocacy. More on IAU.
European University Association (EUA)

The European University Association (EUA) is the 'center of excellence' in higher education and research. Utrecht University has been actively involved in the EUA network since 2018 and participates in a number of the thematic peer-groups associated with the aforementioned steering committees. As a leader in Open Science and home to the renowned Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning (CAT), UU has hosted and delivered EUA conferences. In addition, lectures are regularly given by UU experts. More about EUA.
Utrecht Network

Utrecht Network is a European network of universities working together in the field of internationalisation. The emphasis is on mobility of students and staff, summer schools and internationalisation of curricula. The Utrecht Network consists of 32 universities from 27 countries. More about Utrecht Network.
Magna Carta Universitatum
Utrecht University signed the Magna Carta Universitatum (MCU 2020): a global commitment to promote and support academic freedom, institutional autonomy, the connection between teaching and research, social responsibility and the core values of higher education. Worldwide, nearly 1,000 universities from 94 countries have signed the MCU. In the Netherlands, 14 universities subscribe to the MCU.
More international networks
Besides the networks listed above, Utrecht University is also a member of:
- Science Business
- Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
- European Association of Research Managers and Administration (EARMA)
- European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN)
- Network to Enhance Teaching and Learning at research-intensive universities (NETL)
- European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education (EUPRIO)
- European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN)
- Platform for International Education (PIE)
- Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik (IUC)
- European Association for International Education (EAIE)