Marinus Ruppert building
Take a look how accessible the Marinus Ruppert building is. For example, you read more about the location of facilities such as a disabled toilet or pump room, contact details for assistance and any less accessible rooms
Blue auditorium
A space for 299 people, in a permanent lecture configuration.
Facilities: computer, projector, screen, lectern, lapel microphone, video conferencing, visualiser
White auditorium
A space for 209 people, in a permanent lecture configuration.
Facilities: computer, projector, screen, lectern, lapel microphone, video conferencing, visualiser
Red auditorium
A space for 107 people, in a permanent lecture configuration. Facilities: video conferencing, visualiser.
Purple auditorium
A space for 120 people, in a permanent lecture configuration. Facilities: lecturer's workstation, projector, lapel microphone, video conferencing, visualiser
Auditorium 040
A space for 175 people, in a permanent lecture configuration.
Auditorium 042
A space for 120 people, in a permanent lecture configuration.
Auditorium A
A space for 80 people, in a permanent lecture configuration.
Auditorium B
A space for 48 people, in workshop configuration.
Auditorium C
A space for 48 people, in workshop configuration.
Auditorium D
A space for 80 people, in a permanent lecture configuration.
Workshop rooms
Workshop rooms vary in size, accommodating 22-50 people.
Computer room
An instruction room equipped with computers for 84 people (for internal use only).
Catering area
The 'halls' in the Marinus Ruppert Building serve as catering areas but they can also be used for information markets. If you hire a large room in the Ruppert building, you can make use of the halls free of charge.