WorldCat is a catalogue where you can search on a global, national and Utrecht University Library level. You can find the Utrecht University Library collection in WorldCat, together with the collections of thousands of other libraries and publishers worldwide.
Searching WorldCat via an optimised entry offers extra filters and search options:
WorldCat also has a general entry, without these options. It can be found on
What do I find in WorldCat?
- The collection of Utrecht University Library.
- Books, CDs, DVDs and other material types.
- The material of over a thousand libraries worldwide.
Access to digital material licenced by Utrecht University Library
You have access to digital material directly from the search results in WorldCat. Click on the blue button with "view full text", "view eBook", "Access journal", "Listen to audio", "View now" or "Access online".
When you are searching for e-journals, we recommend you to use the list of e-journals (in WorldCat). Using the general search options in WorldCat is less suitable for this purpose.
If an article is published in open access, it is always available. Besides, the library has many licenced resources you can access. If you are on campus you have access straight away, if you are off-campus you will have to log in with your Solis-id or UMCU-account first. For more information please read the page about online access.
Access to printed material
You will find printed material from the Utrecht University Library collections in WorldCat. The availability of these items and where to find them is directly shown on the page with search results. Click on the title if you cannot immediately see where the book is located.
Requesting and borrowing
You request items by clicking on the "Request item@UU" button. If items are on loan to other borrowers you can use the "Request item@UU" button to reserve them. You will be asked to log in with your (guest) Solis ID.