Open science workshops

Two library workshops to get every research group started with Open Science: a general introductory workshop and a follow-up workshop. Below you will find a description of the Open Science workshops the library organises.

Workshop Open Science – a general introduction

Open access and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data are now common terms in all fields of research. And both are crucial in the transition to open science, but open science is much more than that. Open science can be applied throughout your study or research in many ways. We will discuss and explore these and other aspects during an interactive online workshop. You will explore ways to incorporate open science in your daily routine, find out what aspects in your work are already open, and what barriers and motivations you encounter.

This workshop is also available for participants from the same group, department or from a similar field of research. The duration and setting can be customised.

Request a general introduction in open science

Workshop Open Science – opening up your research workflow

If your research group is already familiar with the general concept of open science and intend to put it into practice, this workshop will provide you with practical tips to get started. Throughout the research workflow there are tools and platforms that make working open a lot easier. How to write collaboratively and also share your code? How can altmetrics help you assess your work? You want to pre-register, but don’t know how or where? This hands on workshop can either give an overview of various open science practices throughout the research workflow, or zoom in on one aspect, for instance writing or outreach and how to get started on these topics.          

This workshop will be tailored to your group’s needs. Depending on the topics at least two of our library experts will give the workshops.

Request the workshop opening up your research workflow
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If you have any questions about the workshops, please send us an email.