Open access discount agreements

It happens that Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht authors unnecessarily pay the publication fees themselves. Therefore, always check if the UU discount agreements are applicable to you.

UU Journal Browser

The Open Access Journal Browser is a useful tool to check in what journals you, as a Utrecht University author, can publish free of charge or against reduced rates.

UU Journal Browser

Big Deals

Maybe the journal in which you publish is part of a Big Deal: national agreements the Universiteiten van Nederland (Association of Universities in the Netherlands) has reached with several major publishers. The agreements facilitate free open access publishing and/or offer discounts. Sometimes the agreements cover all journals of a publisher, sometimes only a selection.

Information about Big Deals

Utrecht University discount agreements

In addition to the national agreements Utrecht University has entered into separate deals with a publisher on open access publishing discounts.

John Benjamins

(Corresponding) authors may publish Open Access without a payment from the author in all journals of John Benjamins. You will find more information about this deal on the website of John Benjamins.