Digital corpora

Looking for digitised resources? Then the university library is a good place to start. We have licenses on a large number of e-books and digital text corpora, but also offer access to platforms with which these and other digital text corpora can be searched. This also applies to a wide range of audiovisual corpora.

Search engines and databases

Find the best search systems for your research on the library page A-Z search engines.

Humanities search engines

On the Humanities search systems page you can find an overview of the digital text and audiovisual corpora for Digital Humanities research.

  • Use the text mining tag to filter the files available for text mining.
  • To find (audio) visual files, use the select type filter and choose sound & vision.

Raw data

Of a number of text corpora, the library has the raw data available via Yoda. You can then query the raw data with your own tools.

  • Raw data available via Yoda: a nice selection can be found on the Centre for Digital Humanities corpora page.
  • Privacy statement: When using this data, please take into account the privacy statement. Of a number of text corpora, the library has the raw data available via Yoda. You can then query the raw data with your own tools. Only Utrecht University staff may use the data. Request access via Yoda via
  • Other raw data? Do you want access to the raw data we already have, are you interested in the data from e-books or other text files? Please contact the Digital Humanities Team, see contact options below.



Contact Digital Humanities Support via the contact form or email.

Contact form (Solis-ID)