Collection Medicine
On this page you will find information of Utrecht University Library about the collection of Medicine.
Subject specialists
The subject specialists help you with access to literature and search systems, (systematic) searches, and purchase requests.
In addition, they offer advice and support in research and education, on subjects such as: open access, open science, research data management and creating systematic reviews.
Search engines Medicine
Generic search systems
Training courses and background information for Medicine
Below you will find links to training courses and information about searching for scientific literature in the field of Medicine:
- Workshops about systematic reviews
- Online training course Compass+: Systematically searching for literature
- LibGuide Pubmed
- LibGuide EBM Literature Sources
- LibGuide Zoeken voor een klinische vraag ('Searching for a clinical question') only in Dutch
Where to find the collection?
The collection of books for loan can be found in the University Library Utrecht Science Park on the 5th floor. Print journals are placed in the depositories and must be requested.
Purchase suggestion
Please submit this form if you have any purchase suggestions.