Utrecht University Repository: the green route to open access

Following the green route to open access publishing means depositing your article(s) in the Utrecht University Repository.

The contents of the repository are searchable via the Netherlands Research Portal, part of the European OpenAire. All publications in the Utrecht University Repository can also be found via search engines Google Scholar and BASE.

The green route: how does it work?

Your publications need to be registered in Pure (UU intranet), the research information system used by Utrecht University. The registered publication will also be included in the Utrecht University Repository.

Short scientific publications (journal articles, conference proceedings, publications in journals for professionals and book chapters from edited volumes) that are published closed access will automatically be made open access by the library six months after the first publication. The library uses the published version (also know as the version of record) for this.

This is part of Utrecht University open access policy. Find out more about the so-called “Taverne regulation”.

Which version do you upload?

A publication has several versions, and these versions may have different names:

  • Pre-print, submitted version, Author’s Manuscript, original manuscript
    • Version that has not yet undergone peer review
  • Postprint, Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM), accepted version, accepted manuscript (AM)
    • Version that has undergone peer review but has not yet undergone typesetting by the publisher
  • Published version, Publisher’s PDF, VOR, Version of Record
    • Version that has undergone typesetting by the publisher and has been published

Publications from the current and previous year

Publications older than two years

Print publications, articles from print journals or (chapters from) books

The library checks if the publications can be made open access​.

Rights Retention strategy

From 2021 onwards, authors receiving funding from a cOAlitionS funder (which includes NWO and ERC) are obliged to make their publications openly available without an embargo period. For articles published in closed journals, you can still meet this requirement by making use of the Rights Retention Strategy. RRS allows authors to share their work in the final author's version (Author Accepted Manuscript) immediately and under a CC-BY license, even if the publisher places restrictions on this. 

Why archive your publications in the Utrecht University Repository?

  • You promote the visibility and findability of your publications​
    Publications in the archive are visible in the Netherlands Research Portal and can also be found via search engines Google Scholar and BASE. An automatic link will be made between your profile page on the university website and the publication in the archive.
  • You increase the impact of your research​
    Where possible publications are made freely accessible (open access). By open access your publication will be read more often and there is a greater chance the publication will be cited.

Other repositories

There are several repositories where you can make your publication open access. These repositories are often arranged by discipline. You will find them in the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR). You can also use Zenodo for research funded by the European Union.


About Pure: please ask your faculty administrator responsible for Pure (intranet).

About the Utrecht University Repository: send an email to Library.publishingsupport@uu.nl.