Student theses publication

Theses written by Utrecht University students must be uploaded in OSIRIS. Master theses will be made publicly available by the university library. Bachelor theses will not be made publicly available.

Utrecht University promotes open sharing of knowledge, that is why students may indicate when uploading their master thesis in OSIRIS if they agree to making their thesis publicly available. If a student chooses to do so, the university library will take care of the publication. As a result, the master thesis can be found, under a Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND, in the Utrecht University Student Theses Repository and in search systems such as Google (Scholar) and WorldCat.

Submitting master theses

  • You upload your thesis in OSIRIS. More information about uploading theses
  • When uploading your master thesis you may indicate if you want your thesis to be publicly available. Bachelor theses will not be made publicly available.

Finding master theses 

  • If you have agreed to making your master thesis publicly available, it will be freely accessible in the Utrecht University Student Theses Repository Please read the manual to get the best search results.
  • Master theses can also be found in WorldCat and Google Scholar
  • Master theses will be available for a fifteen-year period. Please note: this also applies to theses which were publicly available before September 2021. 

Changing the publication status

Has your master thesis already been published and would you like to make adjustments? Please contact the library via

Have you decided not to publish your master thesis or have you set an embargo date and would you like to see that changed so that your thesis is made publicly available? Please send an email to your faculty. State the reasons why you want to change the publication status or embargo date. Have you written the thesis together with a fellow student? Don't forget to inform the other author(s).

Please check the page about uploading and archiving your thesis for more information.

Taking your thesis offline 

  • Master theses are online for a fifteen-year period, after that period they are always taken offline 
  • Do you want your openly published thesis taken offline? Please send a request to the library by filling in the form Request to take student thesis offline

Privacy statement 

Utrecht University treats personal data as confidential. More information about how Utrecht University handles personal data in relation to your thesis can be found in the privacy statement
