Art History / Arts Policy and Management
On this page you will find information about the collection of Art History/Art Policy & Art Management.
Subject specialist
The subject specialist helps with purchase requests, questions about searching literature, publishing, Digital Humanities and library training.
Art History search engines
Generic search engines
Art History background and training courses
For tips, theory and training courses regarding searching and using scholarly information, please check our LibGuides.
Where to find the collection?
You will find the Art History book collection in the University Library City Centre on the second floor of the Keizerstraat wing. Books in large formats ('fol.' in the catalogue) are kept in the study room on the ground floor of the Keizerstraat.
The most recent humanities print journals are on the ground floor near the service desk and the bound journals dating back ten years can be found in the chapel (ground floor and first floor). Older journals are in the depositories and must be requested.
Purchase suggestion
Please submit the form Purchase suggestion if you have any purchase suggestions.