UU Journal Browser

The UU Journal Browser is a useful tool to find out in what journals you, as a Utrecht University author, can publish open access for free or at a discount. The browser provides further information per journal, such as facts about the publication process and the conditions under which you may deposit your article in the institutional repository.

Start your search in the Journal Browser here:

Open access options

The UU Journal Browser contains a list of over 38,000 academic journals. Consult the browser to get information on open access options:

  • If the journal in question is part of an open access deal, a discount on open access publication costs may apply. This concerns both national deals and specific deals made with Utrecht University.
  • Information about the conditions under which articles in a certain journal may be deposited in a repository (green open access).

Searching in the UU Journal Browser

You can search journals by title or by words that appear in the title. Select "Search all fields" for a more extensive search by keyword(s).

In the list of search results you can filter on: no/full costs and discounts for open access publishing, and on the possibility for open access publishing.

DOAJ information

The Directory of Open Access Journals applies strict quality criteria for open access journals. Under "DOAJ Info" in the Journal Browser you will find information about the publication process and the open access guidelines of the selected journal.

Impact information

Utrecht University is a signatory of the DORA declaration. DORA aims at assessing research and researchers by shifting the focus from bibliometric indicators (such as publications and citations) to a more holistic, qualitative approach. For this reason, it was deliberately decided not to support search and sort options for impact information in the UU Journal Browser.


Do you have any questions regarding the use and functionality of the UU Journal Browser? Please contact us.