
Do you want to know more about the way the library is organised? For instance because you want to apply for a vacancy? On this page you will find an overview of the organisational structure and contact details of the management team and department heads.

Organisation chart

Utrecht University Library has eight departments that are jointly responsible for all library services. The departments are managed by the department heads, under the direction of the directorate team.

Een organogram van de Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht

Management Team

Secretarial office

Telephone: 253 6400



Publishing Support

The Publishing Support department is responsible for all services in the field of publishing, collecting and managing scientific output of Utrecht University and Utrecht Medical Center (UMCU). Open access principles are leading in this respect.

Publishing Support department head

Research Data Support

The Research Data Support department takes care of library services concerning research data, code and software.

Research Data Support department head

Education Support

The Education Support department is responsible for the education services of the library. The Copyright Information Office is part of this department.

Education Support department head

User services

The User Services department is responsible for all buildings-related services, including contacts with visitors, both live, via email, and by phone.

User Services department head

Team leader Front desk

Mario Wagenaar:

Collections & Access

The Collections & Access department is responsible for the selection, acquisition, registration and sustainable access and deselection of the general scientific collection.

Collections & Access department head

Team leader Metadata registration

Wendy Boskamp:

Special Collections

The Special Collections department is responsible for the selection, acquisition, registration and sustainable access to the Special Collections, including printed works published before 1900, manuscripts and maps.

Special Collections department head

Team leader Collection care

Edwin van der Poel:

Information management

The department focusses on managing and developing library-specific applications and infrastructure and takes care that they are secure and up-to-date.

Information Management department head

Communications & Project Management

The Communications & Project Management department supports the other departments in communication with stakeholders, policy development and carrying out projects.

Communications & Project Management department head