Information for foreign libraries


You may borrow material if you are willing to pay in IFLA vouchers. We charge two full IFLA vouchers per item. Items published before 1901 cannot be borrowed.


For photocopies we charge a minimum of 2 full IFLA vouchers.

1-15 pages: 2 vouchers
16-30 pages: 2 vouchers
31-45 pages: 3 vouchers
45-60 pages: 4 vouchers etc.

When ordering, please state your VAT number at all times.

For all other services we will send an invoice. Please check our price list.

Contact the library

Please note: we are sorry to inform foreign private persons that we cannot process individual requests. Therefore we ask all private persons to contact their own university library or local library. This library will then act as an intermediary in dealing with your request.