Alumni Stories
The majority of University College Utrecht graduates pursue further degrees at prestigious institutions in the Netherlands and abroad. Our alumni work in diverse organisations that value their international mindset and problem-solving skills.
Life after University College Utrecht
Alumni in the spotlight
Diipa Büller-Khosla '12 and Oleg Büller-Khosla '10
Current Position: Co-founders of indē wild and Post for Change
Pjotr Sauer '15
Current position: Reporter at The Guardian
Lieke Wijnia '06
Current position: Curator at Museum Catherijneconvent
Kavish Bisseswar '15
Current position: Diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Beorn Nijenhuis '13
Current position: PhD Candidate University of Groningen
Annelies Blom '98
Current position: Professor for Data Sciences at University of Mannheim in Germany. Leading Corona study.
Jikke Verlare '13
Current position: Analyst for Ministry of Justice and Safety
Meet our Alumni
Wilbert Osmond '20
Disciplines: Mathematics, Computer Science, Cognitive Neuroscience.
Current position: Owner of a startup and doing a research internship at Maastricht University.
Hanna Song '15
Disciplines: Politics, Psychology (Social Sciences)
Current position : Researcher in a Seoul-based NGO which investigates human rights violations in North Korea.
James Wangu '11
Disciplines: Anthropology, Human Geography (Social Sciences)
Current position: PhD student at University Utrecht
Frank Westhoek '15
Disciplines: Physics, Chemistry (Science)
Minors: Human Geography, Modern History.
Current position: Construction Manager / International Trainee at TenneT
Laura Henderson '08
Discipline: Law and Anthropology (Social Science)
Present occupation: Assistant Professor International Law & Human Rights at Utrecht University and chairperson of GroenLinks (Green Party) in the province of Utrecht
Cato Bui '16
Disciplines: Economics, Earth and Environment, Sustainability
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Current position: Associate Account Strategist at Google
Matthijs Maas '12
Disciplines: Philosophy, Political Science (Social Science)
Current position: PhD in Law (University of Copenhagen), focusing on the governance of artificial intelligence
Huub Brouwer '11
Disciplines: Economics, Religious studies (Humanities and Social Sciences)
Minor: Statistics
Current occupation: Postdoctoral research fellowship at Utrecht University
Jesper Hanson '10
Disciplines: Economics, Political Science (Social Science)
Minors: Mathematics, Statistics.
Current position: Advisor to the Executive Director of the Dutch-Belgina constituency at the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC, USA.
Anne Urai '10
Disciplines: Cognitive Neuroscience and Cell Biology (Science) and Philosophy of Mind and Chinese language (Humanities)
Current position: Postdoctoral research in Neuroscience at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA
Max Adrian '10
Disciplines: Biomedical, Life Science, Chemistry (Science)
Minor: Law
Current position: Postdoc at Genentech Inc. in San Francisco, California, USA
Christopher Robin "Bob" van Rugge
Disciplines: Mathematics, Economics (Science and Social Science)
Minor: Statistics
Current position: PhD in Environmental Psychology and Philosophy at University of Groningen
Jelle van Dijk '13
Disciplines: Mathematics, Chemistry, Cognitive Neuroscience (Science)
Minor: Psychology
Current position: Phd in Cognitive Neuroscience, followed by postdoctoral research in Amsterdam
Gal Raz '16
Disciplines: Cognitive Neuroscience, Cell Biology (Science)
Minors: Philosophy, Statistics
Current position: PhD student in Brain & Cognitive Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Frans Schutgens '08
Disciplines: Pre-Medical, Cell Biology (Science)
Current position: Pathologist in training at Amsterdam University Medical Centre
Hidde Bosch '16
Discipline: Double degree Law (with Political Sciences)
Current position: Lawyer at the Ministry for Economic Affairs
Willem van de Riet '09
Disciplines: International Relations, Politics, Law, Economics (Social Science)
Current Position: Second secretary at Netherlands Embassy, Beirut, Lebanon.
Eugenia Boutylkova '06
Disciplines: Political Sciences, History (Social Science)
Current position: Consultant and founder at Impact, Under Construction
Cecilia Pellosniemi '10
Disciplines: Law, Political Sciences (Social Science)
Current position: Judicial Affairs Officer at the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the United Nations
Dennis Bednar '13
Disciplines: Anthropology, Human Geography (Social Science)
Current position: Project Officer Knowledge & Quality team at Free Press Unlimited