Organisation and Governance
University College Utrecht is an international college, and part of Utrecht University. The organisational structure is as follows:

The Dean has the overall responsibility for the organisation. She develops strategy and educational policy, and maintains internal and external contacts. The Dean also manages the Cluster Chairs.
Management Team has decision making power. The Management Team consists of the Dean, the Managing Director, the Director of Education and the student-assessor. The MT has a decisive mandate regarding policy development, finances, and monitoring the performance of the organisation. The MT is supported on strategic issues by a policy advisor.
The Managing Director is responsible for management of the support staff and the facilitation and execution of the College policies. The main task areas are: communications and marketing, relation management, alumni affairs, admissions processes, registration and curriculum management, career development, student life affairs, campus facilities, IT, finance, HR and secretarial support.
The Director of Education reports to the Dean, is chairperson of the Board of Studies and has a delegated responsibility for the development and the quality of the academic programme and admissions decisions. The DoE works closely with the Cluster Chairs to enhance the curriculum, stimulate innovation and maintain the quality of the academic programme.
The five clusters are organised to group together disciplines is an organic way in order to break out of the long-standing triad of Science, Social Sciences and Humanities, while at the same time providing possibilities for joint collaboration across tracks and clusters in the future.
The Cluster Chair is responsible for the management and development of the staff members within the cluster and for the development and innovation of the curriculum within and across clusters, and in liaison with the University faculties. The Cluster Chair closely together with the Director of Education and has seat in the Board of Studies.
The Fellows have each responsibility for one academic discipline. The Fellows cooperate with the Cluster Chair in curricular innovation and are required to implement innovative changes in the field. They are a vital linking pin to the University faculties and strategic themes.
The Board of Studies is composed of the Director of Education, the Cluster Chairs, a Senior Tutor, one student Academic Affairs Officer, and the Student Assessor. The BoS makes formal recommendations on the college’s curriculum to the Dean, approves and revises courses and reviews the curriculum in general.
The Exam Board consists of five academic members of the College, each representing another discipline and cluster, and a sixth member from outside the College. Read more.
The Head Tutor has a delegated responsibility for the functioning and coordination of the tutorial system. The Head Tutor prepares and chairs tutorial board meetings, functionally manages the group of tutors, and makes sure that all tutorial tasks are properly allocated. The Head Tutor has a seat in the Board of Studies.
The UCU Council is the body that monitors the interests of the College, the students and the staff of University College Utrecht. At UCU the Council combines the duties of two different consultative bodies: the Faculty Council (in Dutch Faculteitsraad) and the Degree program advisory committee (in Dutch Opleidingscommissie). Read more.
The Advisory Board assists the Dean and the Director of Education in their efforts to reach out beyond the College and stimulate new forms of cooperation.
The Diversity Committee is an advisory body at University College Utrecht. It advises on and collaborates with various college bodies (such as the Board of Studies, Admissions and Recruitment office, Management Team) on issues of equality, diversity and inclusion. In carrying out this advising role, the Diversity Committee also consults with student bodies, staff and and alumni networks. Read more about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at University College Utrecht.