Eugenia Boutylkova, Class of 2006
My time at UCU was a unique experience. What I really liked was having the enormous network of people around me and doing lots of activities together.
Major: Social Sciences (Political Sciences and History)
Further Education: MSc in International Relations at University of Amsterdam and the Advanced Master in International Development (AMID) at Radboud University Nijmegen
Position: Consultant and founder at Impact, Under Construction
Location: New York, USA
A unique experience at UCU
My time at UCU was a unique experience. What I really liked was having the enormous network of people around me and doing lots of activities together. I think it was fairly easy for everyone to find his or her place and to feel at home. It was great to meet people from different cultural backgrounds and different years. The level of education was high, but UCU positively challenged me to get the best out of myself.
The road towards making impact
I’m passionate about helping organizations with great ideas and visions with defining the most effective road towards making impact. That’s the reason I founded my venture ‘Impact, under construction’ in August 2014. I support my clients in mapping the resources that they have within their reach and I advise them on how to seek collaborations and partnerships in order to reach their maximum impact. My clients are usually non-profit organizations but also social entrepreneurs. For instance I helped a start-up that provides arts education for underprivileged children, to evaluate, increase and sustain their impact. In two years they grew from one public library to 14 libraries.
As for giving back to UCU, I’m always available to be a UCU Ambassador at recruitment events here in New York. Furthermore UCU students can liaise with me if they want to know more about working in the field of International Development.