You will receive an admissions decision based on the recommendation of the UCU Admissions Board. Your decision will be released by the deadline that correlates with your application round.
If you receive an offer of admission, the deadline to respond to your offer and other important information will be included in the offer letter.
Students who are not directly admitted will either be waitlisted or rejected.
Information regarding what it means to be on the waitlist and how to proceed can be found on our Waitlist FAQ page.
If you are not admitted, you unfortunately will receive a letter of rejection. It is possible to re-apply for the next academic year, but you will need to provide new information regarding your academic background or other relevant experience. Without this information, your application will not be considered.
Deferrals can only be considered in exceptional and unforeseen circumstances. If you wish to delay the start of your studies, you will be required to re-apply and provide new information regarding you academic background and other relevant experience.