
The department of Infectious Diseases and Immunology is divided into two divisions: the division of Clinical Infectiology and the division of Molecular Infectiology.

The Division of Clinical Infectiology is charged with teaching and conducting applied research in the fields of clinical virology, clinical parasitology and clinical bacteriology. The division also trains specialists in Veterinary Microbiology. To conduct its core activities, the division has a laboratory for clinical microbiological diagnostics. Prof.dr. J.A. Wagenaar is the head of the division.

The Division of Molecular Infectiology is divided into specialist disciplines. This department is charged with teaching and conducting applied research in the fields of biology and the prevention of infectious diseases and diseases of the immune system. The division is subdivided into four subdivisions, under the leadership of a chair professor:

Management team
Prof. dr. H.P. Haagsman (chairman)
Drs. L.C. van der Kaaden (operations manager)