Lipidomics Centre
Lipidomics technology is on the verge of potential breakthrough applications in all areas of life science
Our state-of-the-art lipidomics facility provides lipidomic analyses in cutting edge research, i.e. at high resolution and high sensitivity, i.e. near single cell level. The facility, however, also functions as a service facility providing lipidomic analysis to the entire scientific community using custom-tailored as well as automated and high-throughput analyses, enabling fingerprinting, biomarker discovery, and diagnostic applications. Integrated datasets can be provided by expert bioinformatic analyses. This setting allows expansion of the lipidomic facility to a metabolomics-oriented facility in the future.
We offer:
- Lipid isolation and separation techniques.
- Quantitative and semi-quantitative determination of the lipid composition of biological samples
- Molecular analyses of lipid species: ranging from a broad spectrum analysis (lipid fingerprinting) to individual lipids (lipid biomarkers).
- High-throughput and automated phospholipid analysis.
- Bioinformatic analysis of lipidomics datasets
- Analysis of lipid fluxes or metabolism using stable isotope-labeled precursors
Lipidomic analyses can be provided on a partial cost-recovery model for collaborations or on a full cost model service to academic and commercial partners.