
Confidental advisors for PhD-track related matters

In exceptional cases, the relationship between a PhD candidate and a (co)supervisor may become disturbed to such an extent that advise/help of an outside party is needed. The members of the Supervisory Committee, assigned to each PhD candidate as of 2013 may serve this function. In addition, depending on the nature of the conflict, the PhD candidate may contact the coordinator and/or director of the PhD programme in case of any problem or conflict. In case of severe conflicts where mediation of both the coordinator and the director of the PhD programme does not result in resolution of the problem the PhD candidate may consult the faculty PhD-confidants.

At present these PhD-confidants are:

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

  • Prof. J.M. van Putten, PhD., Dept. Infectious Diseases & Immunology
  • Prof. J.A. Stegeman, PhD, Dept. Farm Animal Health

Faculty of Science

  • Prof. W.E. Hennink, PhD, Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Prof. J.A. Killian, PhD, Dept. Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics

UMC Utrecht

For PhD candidates of the UMC Utrecht the confidants can be contacted via Ombuds- en Vertrouwenszaken.
This is also the dedicated address for PhD candidates not registered to a programme and for ‘buitenpromovendi’.


Confidental advisors for work environment related topics

In the case you have complaints, grievances or questions regarding conditions or events, integrity or inappropriate behaviour at work, you can get assistance from the Confidential Advisors: 

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Faculty of Science

If you are employed at the Utrecht University, you can find more information on how to reach the Confidential Advisors of Utrecht University here.

UMC Utrecht

PhD candidates of the UMC Utrecht can send an e-mail to to make an appointment with one of the counselors. You do not need to discuss your issue via e-mail.

If you experience problems regarding work pressure, stress, tension within your team or private issues you can contact Human Resources Health to receive counseling from the company counselor (bedrijfscounselor), strictly confidentially. You can reach Human Resources Health (P&O Gezondheid) on 0887556400 or mail to