PhD Survey

The GSLS PhD Council evaluates the PhD research environment and PhD programmes through an annual survey. Included topics are working conditions, supervision, social safety, mental health, teaching and education. The results are discussed within different layers of the organisation (PhD programmmes, the GSLS Board of Studies and Life Sciences deans) and used to improve the quality of the PhD journey and safe learning environment of PhD candidates.

Your opinion as a PhD candidate matters! It is important that you let us know how you think your PhD is going by participating in the survey. Previous surveys have resulted in meaningful changes, including:

  • Raising awareness of social safety and mental health through training, workshops, and events for both PhD candidates and supervisors.

  • Introducing confidential PhD advisors to enhance social safety.

  • Appointing a dedicated PhD psychologist to support mental health.

  • Offering supervision training for better guidance.

  • Promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) through initiatives like the Active Bystander workshop and incorporating it into the Responsible Conduct of Research course.

  • Clarifying the mentor’s role to provide stronger support for PhD candidates during their PhD journey.

  • Enhancing the TSA form to ensure better agreements with your supervisory team at the start of your PhD.

  • Improving the Annual PhD Progress Report to include the option to provide feedback to your supervisory team.

  • Introducing a Completion Plan form to help you stay on track and finish your PhD on time.

These changes reflect a commitment to continuously improving the PhD experience based on your feedback.

Below you can find the reports of last surveys.