
As defined in the Utrecht University’s Doctoral Degree Regulations (see Chapter 2.2 for the QR code guiding you to this document), the formal supervisory team of each PhD candidate consists of minimal 2 and maximum 4 supervisors (promotors and co-promotors). The supervisory team divides the various tasks and communicates these to the PhD candidate. One member should be assigned to daily supervision.

The supervisory team is responsible for the quality of the research, the quality of the doctoral thesis, the development of skills and competencies of the PhD candidate, and the availability of resources, including budget for the entire PhD journey. The latter should be arranged before the PhD candidates starts. Of note, if, at the end of the PhD track, the manuscript is rejected by the Assessment Committee and requires additional work, the supervisory team is responsible for the required budget (salary and bench fee), and extension of the track needs to be approved by the relevant department (Faculty of Science and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) or division (UMC Utrecht).

The supervisory team is responsible to schedule the Annual PhD Progress Meeting with their PhD candidates. They are also responsible for the formal go/no-go decision at the end of the first year of the PhD journey and – together with the PhD candidate – for the completion plan approximately one year before the provisional end of the PhD journey.