Annual PhD progress meeting

The annual PhD progress meeting, involving the PhD candidate, supervisory team (promotoren and copromotoren), and mentors, aims to monitor project progress and supervision (including pace, direction, quality, and support). Additionally, it addresses personal and academic development, and future career plans. It is a key opportunity for the PhD candidate to assess their scientific and personal growth alongside yearly project goals. The PhD candidate takes the lead as the meeting focuses on their future. While scientific progress is crucial for a successful thesis, the candidate may also introduce other topics. The focus of the meeting may shift during the PhD, with career planning gaining importance in later years.

During the final PhD progress meeting, the Completion Plan should be completed. This meeting is scheduled approximately 12 months before the end date of the PhD contract (or the intended end date for PhD candidates without a contract). 

All types of PhD candidates must have annual PhD progress meetings because monitoring progress throughout their PhD is crucial. PhD candidates with employee status also have an annual assessment interview as required by their institute. It is recommended that these candidates combine both meetings. Note that the form and explanatory notes for the annual PhD progress report differ from those for the annual assessment interview. However, the annual PhD progress report form can often be used and uploaded in the HRM system.



The graph below shows how you can arrange the annual PhD progress meeting.

The annual PhD progress meeting can have different formats. Below you can find the two most common formats. Contact your PhD programme to ask if a specific meeting format is required.