Peer Consultation / Intervision
Would you like to discuss a current situation or dilemma from your own supervision practice? Would you like to learn from your peers? Join one of the Peer Consultation / Intervision sessions. The sessions are for all (co-)supervisors and daily supervisors of PhD candidates registered at the GSLS.
Peer consultation is a method to investigate current situations or dilemmas from your supervision practice in collaboration with peers. The aim is to improve your professional effectiveness. Central issues may be content related or they may be personal questions in relation to work. For example:
- how can I motivate my PhD candidates or other team members;
- how can I collaborate effectively;
- how can I deal with personal doubts and insecurities;
- how can I find time for supervision and my own research.
Your question or dilemma will be investigated to understand underlying bottlenecks and to expand your intervention strategies. Two to eight participants commit themselves to the confidentiality of the meeting. During one meeting one case is dealt with; it is possible, however, to deal with multiple cases.
A Peer Consultation / Intervision session takes two hours and you can take part whenever you like. Contact Jessica Hegeman via to schedule or for questions.

Consulting my peers is important to me because talking to each other gives me a better understanding of what is really going on. I tell, the others listen and ask questions. When we are clear about what we are facing, we try to look together at what is possible to improve this. I notice that others encounter the same kind of problems and we learn from each other's experiences. I am more aware of what I do while supervising (PhD) students, what my strengths and pitfalls are. Now I can continue and improve my supervision from a positive perspective.