Profile and research responsibilities of the PhD candidate
The points below reflect our vision on your academic responsibilities as a junior researcher.
- You are responsible for the quality of your research, together with your supervisory team.
- You are proactive and undertake the necessary efforts to ensure good progress in your doctoral research project.
- You actively engage in setting up the research questions in your doctoral project.
- You are jointly responsible for developing the research methodology that will be used to address your research questions.
- You are responsible for planning, implementing and, where necessary, modifying your research.
- You are responsible for interpreting and analysing your research results, to frame your research in a broader context, and to reflect critically on the research process.
- Together with your supervisory team, you ensure that you communicate and share your doctoral research results (e.g., in publications and/or other scientific communications).
- You are aware of, and adhere to, the generally accepted norms of responsible conduct of research.
- You ensure that data generated during your research are always available upon request. In this matter, you abide by the principles of research data management, according to the current methods in the research unit and of Utrecht University, UMC Utrecht or relevant other institution policy concerning research data management.
- You respect the intellectual property rights relating to concepts and findings of Utrecht University, UMC Utrecht or relevant other institution and take proper care of materials and equipment.
- Together with your supervisory team, you compile a plan for your doctoral programme (i.e., the Training and Supervision Agreement ) and maintain a Training Portfolio. Your plan will consist of research-related training and activities, as well as the development of transferable competencies you many need. These will help advance the quality and efficiency of your research and prepare you for a professional career. You ensure that the activities in the context of the doctoral program are completed within the proposed deadlines.
- You are responsible for keeping an eye on your progress and for organising your annual PhD progress meetings.
You are jointly responsible for the efficient progress of your PhD journey and endeavour to finalise your doctoral thesis within a reasonable timeline. If you have funding, it is recommended not to exceed the funding term.