Training and Supervision Agreement (TSA)
The Training and Supervision Agreement (TSA) is a standard agreement between the PhD candidate and the supervisory team and is approved by relevant PhD programme coordinator. The TSA is a contract designed to ensure proper training and supervision throughout the PhD journey.
According to Utrecht University regulations it is compulsory to upload your TSA form electronically onto Utrecht University's PhD tracking system, MyPhD, within three months after starting your PhD track. Approval from all members of your supervisory team, your PhD programme coordinator, and a faculty representative is required through the system. They will receive e-mail notifications once you have uploaded the form. Ensure to complete the form in consultation with your supervisory team and your PhD programme coordinator before uploading it. The TSA form contains detailed information about the content.
Please note that during your PhD journey, you do not need to register the courses you have completed in MyPhD. While MyPhD includes a section for course registration, this can cause confusion. The courses you enter there are not reviewed by anyone. (You may enter them for your own records if you wish, or if your supervisors would like to see them in the system). We recommend that you save your course list and certificates digitally, so you can submit them to your PhD programme coordinator when applying for the Training Certificate.
Download the form here: Training and Supervision Agreement (TSA) (docx)