
--- Mentors are formerly known as independent advisors or the supervisory committee (aio begeleidingscommissie) ---

When a PhD candidate starts, one or two mentors need to be appointed and registered in MyPhD; this is compulsory for all PhD candidates. Mentors provide independent advice to the PhD candidate and the supervisory team concerning the progress (rate, direction) of the PhD track.

The document below describes the role of mentors, selection process and qualifications, and meetings with the mentors including the Annual PhD Progress Meeting. Please note that PhD candidates of the PhD programme Clinical & Experimental Neuroscience do not have to select mentors; the programme assigns a mentor to each PhD.

Role of mentors at the GSLS

Although the content of the PhD candidate's individual meetings with the mentors depends on the candidate's needs, we advise to discuss several topics. These are progress of both research and training (evaluation of last year and timeline for next year), personal and scientific development, quality of supervision, career plans and well-being. We compiled a list of example questions regarding these topics that they can use for inspiration.

Example questions for individual meetings

After the PhD candidate's registration in MyPhD has been completed and one or two mentors are included in the system, the GSLS will e-mail the PhD candidate a letter for their mentors about the mentor role. We will request the PhD candidate to forward it to the mentors. Please find the letter below.

Letter for mentors at the GSLS