Compulsory training

If you have started your PhD journey after September 1st, 2020, training in education (only if you have any education tasks, incl. supervising students) and research integrity are a compulsory part of your doctoral education. This holds for all PhD candidates at Utrecht University and is based on the advice of PhD candidates themselves, indicating that they wish to be better educated on these subjects. Both types of training should be included in your individual training plan of the TSA. If you have questions about the compulsory training, please send an email to

Research integrity

The GSLS organises the training Responsible Conduct of Research, which consists of a half-day training session every year of your PhD journey (4 in total). During each training, you will discuss different aspects of research integrity, illustrated by a wide variety of cases, and share your experiences with fellow PhD candidates. All GSLS PhD candidates have to follow this training, we don't make exceptions. Attendance of a similar course elsewhere doesn’t exempt you from this training. You can find training dates in Course Schedule of the PhD Course Centre.

If your PhD is shorter than 4 years, you are still required to follow all 4 trainings. You can participate in training 1 in your first year, training 4 in your last year, and the two e-modules of training 2 and 3 in between when it is most convenient for you.


The GSLS, Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht offers training for various types of education like teaching and supervising Master students.

  • Teaching: Start to Teach. Please visit the UU Development Guide for more information.
  • Supervising students: The GSLS offers 2 types of courses with different levels: Supervising MSc Students: Starter Kit and Supervising Research of MSc students. You can choose the course that fits you best. Please see below (foldout text) for more information. You can find training dates in Course Schedule of the PhD Course Centre. If you would like advise which course to follow, please send an e-mail to