Institutional PhD Councils
Historically PhD candidate representation is also organized at Faculty level. You can therefore also turn to:
The Beta PhD Council (Beta-PC for short) is a council for PhD candidates within the faculty of Science.
The goal of this council is to facilitate representation of all
Science PhD candidates, by providing feedback between PhD candidates in
the different departments and research groups and those PhD candidates that are involved in representation at the different levels in the
university. Problems and issues that arise for PhD candidates can be
discussed here and brought to the attention of governing boards.
Through this council, information and active issues within the
university's boards can also be passed the other way for discussion
and feedback. To this end we try to have at least one PhD candidate from
each research track in this council, as well as those PhD candidates involved in representation in some way.
Some examples of previous/active issues this council has dealt with:
SSHU shortstay housing for foreign (PhD)candidates: rental contracts are for fixed periods of e.g. one year and cannot be terminated prematurely.
The allocated funding for following both specialized and generic academic skills courses in the Graduate School of Life Sciences has not been transferred yet, which might compromise PhD candidates possibilities to follow such courses.
This council meets approximately once every one / two months. If you
are interested in joining this council, or you have a question,
problem or feedback, don't hesitate to contact us. We can be reached
through the Google groups email list:
The VetPhDC promotes the interests of PhD students working at the faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The VetPhDC consists of PhD student representatives from each of the research programs of the IVR.
Besides being a spokesperson and providing useful information on PhD-related subjects, the VetPhDC organizes informative and social events to connect PhD students from the different departments of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
Do you want to contact the Veterinary PhD council? Please send an email to
The MD-PhD Committee aims to address problems and suggest solutions for PhD-candidates that are employed at the UMC Utrecht, specifically MD-PhD Candidates. All representatives are members of governing or representative bodies or have close contact to these bodies, such as Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN), PhD Network Utrecht (PROUT), PhD-council of the Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) and the Education and research council of the UMC Utrecht (Onderwijs- en Onderzoeksraad). Thus far, the MD-PhD group has addressed topics such as the CAO UMC and the BIG reregistration. The MD-PhD group meets occasionally and organises activities, such as lunches for MD-PhD candidates in the UMC Utrecht. Don't hesitate to contact us if your are interested in joining this committee, would like to ask a question, or would like to provide us with your feedback.
LinkedIn: MD PhD Committee Utrecht
Yvette Matser
Chair MD-PhD committee
Arts-onderzoeker Solide Tumoren, Prinses Máxima Cetrum
GSLS PhD Programme: Clinical and Translational Oncology
Lid van de GSLS PhD council
Maarten Huismans
Arts-onderzoeker Molecular Cancer Research en afdeling Medische Oncologie
GSLS PhD Programme: Clinical and Translational Oncology
Lid van de GSLS PhD Council
Ingrid Franken
Arts-onderzoeker Medische Oncologie
GSLS PhD Programme: Clinical and Translational Oncology
Katja Scheffer-Wesdorp
Arts-onderzoeker Vitale Functies
GSLS PhD Programme: Epidemiology
Yorben Lodema
Arts-onderzoeker Psychiatrie
GSLS PhD Programme: Clinical & Experimental Neurosciences
PhD representation also occurs at the Utrecht University and National Level. For more information on these committees follow the links below:
Prout is the PhD Network of Utrecht University, run by a group of enthusiastic voluntary PhD representatives from all graduate schools of the university, including the Graduate School of Life Sciences.
We are an official organization whose main aim is to represent the interests of PhD candidates and to influence decision-making concerning PhDs University-wide. Through our representatives, we maintain strong connections with each graduate school and PhD council, as well as external organizations such as PNN (the PhD candidates Network of the Netherlands) and labor unions.
We also organize various events throughout the year aimed to be fun, informative, or a combination of both. Our yearly events include such things as evenings where you can receive free and professional tax advice, meet and compare different companies offering thesis-printing services, attend communication workshops, or simply enjoy drinks with your fellow PhDs.
Are you interested in staying up to date on these activities and other things? Visit our website and sign up for our free newsletter (, or follow us on Facebook ( Would you like to join or share something with us? Mail your representative (
The PhD candidates Network of the Netherlands (PNN) is the national organization that represents the interests of PhD candidates who work at one of the 14 Dutch universities, at one of the 8 University Medical Centers or, at one of the 5 research centers.
The main objective of PNN is to safeguard the interests of all PhD candidates, regardless of whether they are employed at a Dutch University, a University Medical Center, or otherwise engaged with PhD research.
In case you have any issues that are of interest for all PhDs, contact your PhD council, they have regular contact with PNN.
Link website:
UMC Workforce
The UMC Workforce is a committee of PhD candidates Network of the Netherlands (PNN). It was established in 2015 in times of the changes regulations of the BIG register. The workforce represents all UMC PhD candidates from the eight UMCs in the Netherlands. Two PhD candidates are involved from every UMC.
The UMC workforce acts as a speaking partner and advisory body for national stakeholders. An example is the Ministry of Health and the Federation of Medical specialists. In addition, we try to jointly address issues that apply to the Dutch UMCs and which benefit from cooperation at national level. An example is the duration of contracts. There are many differences between universities and it is not always organized the way it should be. Last but not least, the workforce is a place to exchange experiences and issues that are relevant for all eight UMCs.
In case you have any issues that are of interest for all PhDs, contact your PhD council, they have regular contact with PNN and the UMC workforce and have the ability to address issues at national level.