Training electives UTQ and STQ

Elective courses (additional training) can be followed in the (Senior) University Teaching Qualification programmes. Most elective courses are open to all UU lecturers. In order to develop towards your basic or senior teaching qualification, it is important to apply what you have learned in the elective courses to your teaching practice and to reflect on the knowledge and skills you have acquired.

One-off activities & independently undertaken

Below is an overview of various types of activities that fit into a (Senior) University Teaching Qualification trajectory as elective components. Lecturers can follow such activities or initiate and organise them themselves. The list is not endless: lecturers can consult with their tutor and suggest other activities.

Teacher development offer

As an employee who also teaches, you can take advantage of all kinds of development offers in the field of education. In order to best fulfil these educational tasks,  you can benefit from all kinds of various workshops, courses and programmes in the field of education. You can find the entire offer here.

Teaching and Learning Inspiration Days

During the Teaching and Learning Inspiration Days, teachers can take part in interesting workshops and inspiration sessions, focused on their development. Read more about it here.


Every year in March, the OnderwijsFestival takes place: the UU education conference with a relevant theme. Read more about it here.

Utrecht Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference

The U-SoTL conference takes place annually. Here, lecturers learn how they can systematically analyse and improve their own teaching. Teachers also share posters of completed educational research here. Read more about this here.

Special Interest Groups

SIGs are groups of teachers interested in the same theme, for example 'motivation', 'entrepreneurship education' or 'co-creation'. View all SIGs and their meetings here.

Exchange and collaboration outside the UU

Teacher mobility offers the opportunity to find inspiration elsewhere, to increase one's own knowledge, to share experiences and to network. See various opportunities for exchange and cooperation across university borders, for example the Erasmus+ teaching mobility programme.

Short development paths

Various short development paths are extremely relevant to (Senior) University Teaching Qualification lecturers.

In the field of teaching:

In the area of guiding students (tutoring and academic skills):

In the field of education design, quality assurance and education research:

Also take a look at the offer for lecturers on the intranet, in the UU Development Guide.