
The OnderwijsFestival is the annual education event at Utrecht University. At this event, teachers, students and staff meet to exchange ideas and get inspired about education at UU.

To the official OnderwijsFestival website

Every year, this promises to be a festive day filled with workshops, master classes, entertainment, music and much more. In addition, special attention will be paid to teachers and other staff who are doing research on their own teaching (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, SoTL), and who want to share their (research-informed) plans, progress and results. Also, at the OnderwijsFestival, the announcement of the winners of the annual teacher awards will be made.

The OnderwijsFestival is the new name for the Onderwijsparade. Previous editions of this event covered topics such as Innovation and Scholarship, Game Based learning, 21st Century Learning Skills, Blended Learning, Life Long Learning and the open-ended nature of academic education.