Utrecht Education Incentive Fund

Studenten krijgen les door middel van blended learning

How to let students experiment a lot early on in their degree programmes? How to improve their language capabilities? And how to ensure lecturers learning as much from each other as possible? These are some of the many questions to which the Utrecht Education Incentive Fund initiates the answers.

The Utrecht Education Incentive Fund was founded in 2013 to improve the professionalisation of lecturers and to encourage education innovations. Lecturers at Utrecht University nominate projects in the fields of (digital) didactics & testing, activated learning, matching & selection, honours programmes and the Master's graduate studies. Accepted projects are carried out by the lecturers themselves.

Two million euros

Each year, the Executive Board awards two million euros to promising projects. Three types of projects are financed from the fund: Faculty USO-, inter-faculty USO educational innovation and USO consolidation projects.

Faculty USO projects are small-scale. Each faculty has its own procedures. Reach out to your faculty contact if you want to know more about the possibilities in your faculty.

With the inter-faculty USO educational innovation innovative educational projects in which at least two faculties participate are realised. These are larger projects with a maximum duration of 3 years and a budget between 85,000 and 250,000 euro.

USO consolidation makes it possible to investigate whether project (results) of (nearly) completed educational innovations can be embedded in the organisation in a sustainable manner, or can be marketed. The end result of a consolidation project is a business case that can be used to decide about the sustainable continuation of the project results.

Calls for proposals

Find more information about the 2023 round of the Utrecht Education Incentive Fund in the call for proposals. This contains all deadlines, the timeline and further information about the procedure. 

Assessment committee

The assessment committee consists of the following members: Marieke van der Schaaf (vz, GNK), Jorg Huijding (FSW), Cornélie Westermann (DGK), Renske Bouwer (GW), Emma Versteegh (Bèta), Agnes Andeweg (UCU), Margien Bootsma (Geo), Martijn van der Meulen (REBO), student member, Frans Prins (educational advisor), Willemijn Schot (educational advisor), Hjalmar Eijkelenkamp (process supervision) and Geertje Agricola (secretary). 

In the Teaching and Learning Collection, you can find the project descriptions and (preliminary) results of running and finished USO-projects.

Teaching and Learning Collection

Would you like to know more about the Utrecht Education Incentive Fund? Please contact cat@uu.nl.

Do you have feedback or do you miss information on our website? Please send an email to cat@uu.nl