Student think tank
How can you involve students in education and educational innovation? That’s one of the questions we ask ourselves at the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning (CAT). After all, education is for the student’s benefit. We therefore believe that including students’ perspectives in the design and innovation of education is extremely important. Because of this, a student think tank has been developed: a programme where students can provide input on the education innovation projects that the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning, is currently conducting at Utrecht University. In exchange, they can acquire new knowledge and skills.
Targeted input from students
The student think tank takes place every year, and consists of a series of four or five meetings each focusing on one topic or project. During these meetings, a small group of motivated students will work on these topics and projects. First, they will be provided with the background and context of the project. After that they work on challenges to provide feedback and innovative perspectives on the project. At the end the students’ advice will be used and integrated by the project coordinators to improve their projects.
Would you like to know more?
Then please contact the student engagement project coordinator via Teaching Support or watch the video below.