Faculty contacts EMP
Each faculty has its own contact person and a coordinating adviser from Educational Development & Training (O&T):
Faculty | Faculty contact | Coordinating adviser O&T |
Science | Dolfine Kosters / Imke van Dam (science.uso@uu.nl) | Ria Dolfing |
Veterinary Medicine | VET Teaching and Learning Community (tlc.dgk@uu.nl) | Jessica Hegeman |
Humanities (incl. Ethics) | Veerle Dijkstra, policy officer | Marjolein Cremer |
Medicine (Incl. GSLS) | Onderwijscalls@umcutrecht.nl. Education Centre UMCU GSLS: Shirrinka Goubitz, coordinator graduate studies | Femke Kirschner |
Geosciences | Robert van Wijk, policy officer teacher professionalisation | Elma Zijderveld |
Law, Economics and Governance | Juul Versteegen, policy officer | Gemma Corbalan Perez |
Social Sciences(Incl. GST) | Jacqueline van Lier, policy officer GST: Jan van Tartwijk, director Graduate School of Teaching | Carolijn Ouwehand |
University College | Christel Lutz, director educational institute UCU | Judith Loopers |