Faculty contacts EMP

Each faculty has its own contact person and a coordinating adviser from Educational Development & Training (O&T): 

FacultyFaculty contactCoordinating adviser O&T
ScienceDolfine Kosters / Imke van Dam (science.uso@uu.nl)Ria Dolfing

Veterinary Medicine

VET Teaching and Learning Community (tlc.dgk@uu.nl)Jessica Hegeman
Humanities (incl. Ethics)

Veerle Dijkstra, policy officer

Marjolein Cremer
Medicine (Incl. GSLS)Onderwijscalls@umcutrecht.nl. Education Centre UMCU
GSLS: Shirrinka Goubitz, coordinator graduate studies
Femke Kirschner


Robert van Wijk, policy officer teacher professionalisationElma Zijderveld

Law, Economics and Governance

Juul Versteegen, policy officerGemma Corbalan Perez
Social Sciences(Incl. GST)Jacqueline van Lier, policy officer
GST: Jan van Tartwijk, director Graduate School of Teaching
Carolijn Ouwehand
University CollegeChristel Lutz, director educational institute UCU Judith Loopers