Educational Resources Pool
The Educational Resources Pool (Educatieve Middelen Pool, EMP) offers faculties the option of requesting educational advice and support for the improvement and innovation of their education. The EMP can be used to provide support with a single course, a study component, method, or instrument as well as a complete curriculum, educational organisation, or quality assurance.
Yearly, each faculty receives educational support based on its number of students. Ten percent of the available hours per faculty are reserved for professional consultation for academic staff.
Utrecht Educational Incentive Fund and the Educational Resources Pool
EMP hours are allocated to university and faculty projects from the Utrecht Educational Incentive Fund as much as possible, with a minimum of 100 EMP hours per project. These projects focus on educational issues related to the Strategic Plan of Utrecht University. Each year, specific themes are defined by the Board of the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning, to which projects have to be related.
The allocation of EMP hours is integrated in the planning and procedure of the Utrecht Educational Incentive Fund.
EMP providers
The following providers from the UU are available for educational advice. See their expertise in the fold-out menus.
EMP projects in the spotlight
Inspiration from other EMP projects?
Curious for more? Have a look in the CAT Teaching and Learning Collection.
For substantive questions or questions about the application process for EMP hours, please contact your faculty contact.
For general questions, please contact one of the EMP coordinators Willemijn Schot or Elma Zijderveld.