The Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning offers different forms of support.
Practical support
For practical support you can reach Teaching Support at or 030-2532197.
Custom advice
There is custom didactic and practical support available for teaching staff who would like to enhance their teaching.
The Cente for Academic Teaching and Learning provides support for various facilities.
Teaching and Learning Collection
The Teaching and Learning Collection is meant for teachers and everyone involved or interested in academic teaching. In the collection you can find basic knowledge on academic teaching and results from innovations initiated by teachers.
Faculty contact
Faculties also provide their own support:
- BETA: Bètawetenschappen
- DGK: Diergeneeskunde
- GW: Geesteswetenschappen
- GNK: Geneeskunde
- GEO: Geowetenschappen
- REBO: Recht, Economie, Bestuur en Organisatie
- FSW: Sociale Wetenschappen