Grants for innovation
The grants below are focussed on improving education, with an emphasis on the innovation of education. Do you want to research your education? Look here.
Educational innovation and the rewarding of excellent teachers is of great important to Utrecht University. The Education Incentive Fund was founded in 2013 to stimulate this, by making available yearly 2 million euros for the support of educational talent and educational innovation. Succesful examples from the past years include projects in the fields of (digital) didactics & testing, activated learning, matching & selection, honours programmes and the Master's graduate studies.
Read more about the Education Incentive Fund here.
The Utrecht University Senior Fellow Programme is a selective programme which aims to strengthen educational leadership within the university and to increase the number of professors with a special focus on education. With this programme Utrecht University wants to reward good teaching and learning and stress the fact that career advancement is also possible through excellence in teaching (and not only through excellence in research). The programme also aims to promote innovation in teaching and learning and to increase the overall quality of education. Senior Fellows will play a key role in improving teaching and learning at Utrecht University. They will be an inspiration to their colleagues.
Read more about the UU Senior Fellow Programme here.
Subsidy is available for all activities related to the direct expansion of education aimed at professionals at Utrecht University. A project is eligible for funding if the target group is 23 years or older (up to retirement-age), working or looking for work in the Netherlands and it concerns post-initial education. Faculties and strategic themes can apply for support. This is done on the basis of dual commitment.
Go to intranet for the FAQ about this subsidy or send an email to
Teachers with an idea to make academic education more inclusive, can ask for a contribution by the Stimulation Fund Diversity and Inclusion. Every year, the Utrecht University allocates € 50,000 for projects and activities that improve diversity and inclusion among students and employees. The fund is an initiative of the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force.
Read more about the UU Stimulation Fund Diversity and Inclusion here.
The Comeniusprogramme stimulates innovation in Dutch higher education. The grants and fellowships enable professionals in higher education to implement their ideals and ideas in practice. By demonstrably valuing excellent and inspired teaching, the ministry of education is keen to contribute to more variety in the careers of teachers and researchers at universities and universities of applied sciences. Each year teachers can apply by submitting their proposal. The Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning supports teachers with preparing their proposal.
Read more about the Comeniusprogramme here.
Utrecht University wants to educate students that contribute to a better world and solving societal challenges. Are you a lecturer and do you find social engagement in education important? Then you can now apply for a grant for developing Community Engaged Learning (CEL). You can apply for a grant of at most 4000 euro for an educational project that is aimed at (further) developing CEL.
Read more here about the support fund.
The Interdisciplinary Education Incentive Fund focuses on various aspects of interdisciplinary education. This call should contribute to improving the quality of interdisciplinary education and to permanently embed 'what works' in the chosen or wider context. The call also focuses on moving further towards 'working' interdisciplinary education: students achieve the learning objectives or learning outcomes, (future) teachers know what to do in the time available, there is less pressure on the support organisation.
Read more about the interdisciplinary projects here.
Utrecht University wants to offer the best education and sees added value in data-driven insights that help raise the quality of the primary educational process. To encourage this, the Learning Analytics team has existed since 2021, supporting students and staff in initiating, implementing, and evaluating data-driven projects. Consider questions such as: How do students go through the curriculum of my education programme? When and how do students use course materials within my course? How do we offer students more insight into their own study behaviour?
The project team does not provide monetary resources, but does offer time and expertise when it comes to educational advice, privacy-related issues, and support in the technical development of tooling. Project applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis and are handled step-by-step through the Learning Analytics Roadmap. See here for examples of projects and here for the Roadmap, or email
For advice on selecting the right funding program, or help with writing a funding application, teachers can go to the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning.