Grants for research
The mission of Universiteit Utrecht (UU) and the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning(CAT) is to enhance quality of academic education by stimulating teacher development, teaching innovation, and educational scholarship. The Utrecht University Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Grants aim to stimulate the development of academic teachers and to support improvement of their education, by stimulating teachers to conduct a systematic inquiry of their own teaching practice. Such a scholarly approach contributes to education quality by generating situated educational knowledge, but also to teacher development and educational innovation.
See here for more information and application.
Open and online education provides opportunities to innovate teaching, improve the quality of education and boost academic outcomes. That is why the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (ECS) is making funding available both for experiments with online education and for initiatives using open course materials. For more information, see the SURF website (in Dutch). Within Utrecht University, Educate-it guides the proposals for this stimulus package. A concept proposal needs to be submitted via e-mail ( by 16 December 2019. Find more information about the internal procedure on intranet.
The Fulbright grant programme for researchers enables Dutch academics to teach in the United States, possibly combined with research. The Fulbright Center offers a maximum of two grants per year for academics employed by universities and research institutions in the Netherlands, for a minimal stay in the US of three months. The Fulbright grant programme is a world-wide programme in which more than 150 countries participate. The goal is to enhance the understanding between citizens of the US and other countries. The grant programme was founded in 1946 by American senator J. William Fulbright.
The deadline for proposals of the Fulbright grant programme for academics round 2019 is at 1 December 2018 (12.00).
For research projects with a main focus on the relationship between the European Union and the US, or the EU itself, see the Fulbright-Schuman Programme.
How can the connection between education and the employment market be improved? How can companies deal with their human capital more effectively? Which 21st-century skills are important for children and how can these best be learned? Within this programme, researchers and professional practitioners will consolidate their strengths to obtain scientific knowledge that is directly applicable in organisations.
Read more about the NWO Human Capital programme.
This fund supports practice-oriented research, that should deliver pratical knowledge for higher education. More information can be found here (only in Dutch).
This fund supports policy-oriented research. It aims to give a scientific basis to educational policy and allow for a more conscious choice between different policies. More information can be found here (only in Dutch).
This fund accepts proposals for overview-studies: short studies into topics on which there are no recent overview-studies available. More information can be found here (only in Dutch).
This fund at making depth and coherence possible in the educational research. More information can be found here (only in Dutch).
Higher education is changing rapidly and needs to do so to keep pace with changes in society. The focus area Higher Education Research (HER) aims to provide an evidence base which can be used by academic teachers and higher education institutes in order to respond effectively to societal changes and improve education as a whole. The grants of the focus area offer the opportunity to researchers from UU and UMCU to contribute to this with their own research project on higher education. Grant applications are focussed on education research in one or multiple of the following themes: 1) Inclusivity of Higher Education, 2) Interdisciplinarities & flexibilities in student journeys, 3) Transitions & lifelong learning, 4) Learning for engagement in society.
For advice on selecting the right funding program and help with writing a funding application, teachers can go to the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning.