One of the goals of the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning is to encourage sharing knowledge by teachers, within their faculty but also with teachers from other faculties. The different backgrounds and visions will add value.
Special Interest Groups (SIG's)
The Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning facilitates teachers to exchange expertise. One way of doing this is by participating in, or starting, a new Special Interest Group (SIG).
Senior en Principal Fellows
The Senior Fellow Programme was developed by Utrecht University to strengthen educational leadership. Successful completion of the programme leads to nomination for professor with education as a special focus area.
Here you will find professors with a chair with a focus on (research of) education.
Utrecht members Comenius network
The Comenius Network is the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences' national platform for educational innovators.
Student think tank
Education is for the student. Taking students' perspectives into account when designing and innovating education is therefore very important to us. For this reason, the CAT has developed a student think tank.
Teaching Academy Utrecht University
The Centre advances that teachers get in contact with each other and share their knowledge and discuss about academic teaching. To facilitate this, the Centre offers a physical place to work and meet for all teachers at the Utrecht University and it maintains a grassroot community of teachers, known as the Teaching Academy Utrecht University (TAUU).