Higher Education Research
Higher education is constantly changing and needs to keep adapting to society. That is why programmes at Utrecht University are becoming increasingly interdisciplinary, flexible and connected to society. The focus area Higher Education Research (HER) brings together all higher education research at UU. By connecting researchers from different disciplines, we aim to create a knowledge base on higher education so that educational innovations can build on existing insights.
Improving collaboration and increasing visibility
Within this focus area, researchers from Utrecht University work together to shine the spotlight on higher education. We have chairs in all our faculties that have a strong focus on education, but are also well anchored in their own fields. In addition to these professors, there are several PhD students and other academics engaged in higher education research.
What can you expect from HER?
- We organise networking events to bring researchers together to disseminate higher education research findings and share expertise on methods, for example.
- We also provide information on research grants, drive joint research projects, and try to support research on education through funding
- We offer support in conducting higher education research.
Getting started
Are you curious about whether higher education research is for you or would you like to join the community? Then contact us (e.g. for an introductory meeting) at her@uu.nl or look us up at a networking event.