Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Researchers have roles in research, teaching, social impact and leadership. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) involves teachers taking a scholarly approach to their own teaching to discover where there is room for strengthening their teaching. It is at the intersection of teaching and research.

The aim of SoTL is to give lecturers insight into student learning and promote their own development as teachers. In SoTL, teachers research their own teaching. A SoTL project has five basic principles, as formulated by Peter Felten in "Principles of Good Practice in SoTL":

  1. It builds on existing knowledge.
  2. It explores how students learn.
  3. It is methodologically well thought out.
  4. The results are shared publicly.
  5. Students are also involved in SoTL when possible.

What can teachers expect from the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning?

  • We organise activities to inform teachers on how to set up a SoTL project.
  • We fund SoTL projects using the SoTL grants.
  • We share best practices gained from doing SoTL research.
  • We offer educational advice on planning and conducting SoTL research.

Utrecht Roadmap for SoTL

The Utrecht Roadmap for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (UR-SoTL) takes you through eight steps in setting up a (first) SoTL study. You will learn to think critically about your teaching and its effect on students. Tips and questions will help you turn ideas into practice-based research.

Download the roadmap here
Read an article on the Utrecht Roadmap here