Focus research and education
Jan van Tartwijk's research and teaching focus include teachers' interpersonal behavior in the classroom and how that behavior is related to their relationships with their students. He is also interested in the development of expertise of teachers and other professionals. He investigates how training programs, such as teacher education, can contribute to this development. Recently, he started research into differences between children's social and cultural environment within and outside the school and the effects of these differences on educational equity.
Jan van Tartwijk is a professor of Educational Sciences and vice-dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences with a focus on the master programmes provided by the faculty. From 2014 to 2024, he was director of Utrecht University's interfaculty Graduate School of Teaching (GST), from which the university's teacher training programmes are delivered. From 2011 to 2018, he led the faculty's Education Advice and Training (O&T) group as academic director.