39 results

  • Applied Ethics Explore ethical theories in relation to actual practical dilemmas. You have the ability to develop a tailor-made programme, including an internship, geared to your career aspirations.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Artificial Intelligence This Master’s offers you an integrative and cutting-edge approach to the field from the viewpoints of Informatics, Logic, Cognition, Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Banking and Finance In this one-year programme, you will learn how to contribute to an efficient and effective international industry, with special attention to international financial markets, institutions and regulation.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Bestuur en beleid Bestuur en beleid gaat over de aanpak en organisatie van maatschappelijke issues binnen de publieke sector, in een politieke omgeving en in interactie met burgers, bedrijven en maatschappelijke organisaties.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Conflict Studies and Human Rights This Master’s programme Conflict Studies and Human Rights focuses on the analysis of contemporary violent conflict with an emphasis on the interconnectedness of violence.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Cultural Anthropology: Sustainable Citizenship Explore the relationship between citizenship, cultural diversity, and social sustainability.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • European Governance This interdisciplinary Master’s programme investigates vital questions facing European countries today. It will equip you with the knowledge and skills to answer these questions and formulate appropriate responses to the challenges they pose.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Gender Studies Become a professionally successful 'agent of change'. You will learn to develop sustainable perspectives in emancipation policies, diversity management, cultural initiatives and political activism.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Gender Studies (research) Learn to critically analyse how gender intersects with other social and historical categories such as race, class, age, religion and sexuality.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Geschiedenis van politiek en maatschappij Ontwikkel een grondig begrip van de historische wortels van de belangrijkste politieke en maatschappelijke kwesties waar politici, journalisten en beleidsmakers zich vandaag de dag mee bezighouden.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Global Challenges for Sustainability The Master's Global Challenges for Sustainability offers an international learning opportunity addressing the dire need for sustainability in a transdisciplinary and challenge-based environment.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1,5 year
  • Global Criminology The Master's programme Global Criminology offers a critical and comparative perspective on criminology and the growing demand for experts in global crime, penology and security.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • History and Philosophy of Science This Master’s offers a unique opportunity to study the foundations, practices, and culture of the sciences and humanities from a historical and philosophical perspective.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • History of Politics and Society Develop a thorough understanding of the historical roots of the most important political and societal issues that politicians, journalists and policy makers are concerned with today.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Intercultural Communication Learn to carry out practice-oriented research relating to communication optimisation in multilingual and international contexts. You can choose a language track (German, English, French, Italian, Dutch and Spanish) or opt for a multilingual programme.
    Language of instruction: 
    English, Multilingual
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Interculturele communicatie Leer omgaan met talige en culturele diversiteit in verschillende, met name internationale contexten. Je kunt kiezen voor een taaltrack (Duits, Engels, Frans, Italiaans, Nederlands of Spaans) of een meertalig programma volgen.
    Language of instruction: 
    Dutch, Multilingual
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • International Relations in Historical Perspective Prepare yourself for a future as a participant in the game of global politics. The programme bridges the historical and political science approaches of international relations. In this way, you get the best of both worlds.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Law and Sustainability in Europe The Master's programme Law and Sustainability in Europe offers a unique opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills to understand and foster transition processes towards a sustainable future for current and future generations.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Leraar voorbereidend hoger onderwijs Word eerstegraads leraar in aardrijkskunde, biologie, Duits, economie, Engels, filosofie, Frans, geschiedenis, godsdienst, informatica, kunstgeschiedenis, maatschappijleer, muziek, natuurkunde, Nederlands, scheikunde, Spaans of wiskunde.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Medical Humanities: geesteswetenschappelijke en geneeskundige perspectieven op zorg en gezondheid In de master Medical Humanities analyseer je uitdagingen binnen zorg en gezondheid vanuit verschillende perspectieven uit geneeskunde en geesteswetenschappen.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Meertaligheid en taalverwerving Bestudeer meertaligheid en taalverwerving vanuit verschillende invalshoeken en leer om deze kennis toe te passen op het gebied van onderwijs en taalbeleid. Je kunt kiezen uit de tracks Duits, Engels, Frans, Nederlands en Spaans, of een meertalig programma volgen.
    Language of instruction: 
    Dutch, Multilingual
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Multidisciplinary Economics During this two-year research Master you will develop expertise in an economics research area of your interest and supplement this with knowledge from another field of research preparing you for a career as a researcher inside or outside academia.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Organisaties, verandering en management Dit masterprogramma gaat in op veranderingen in organisaties en leert je daarbij oog te krijgen voor de effectiviteit van die organisaties zonder de aandacht voor mensen, interacties en processen te verliezen.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Organising Social Impact You study and engage with grassroots organisations that promote a more sustainable inclusive and just society. The MSc introduces you to their organising principles, practices, processes and ways they engage with institutions to foster social change.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Philosophy Prepare yourself to participate in the current debates in the international philosophical community and develop your own research contributions to the field.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Public International Law The Master's programme Public International Law prepares you to reflect critically on legal, human and sustainable dilemmas in a globalized and interdependent world.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Publiek management Dit masterprogramma leert je inzien hoe de aanpak van maatschappelijke vraagstukken als criminaliteit, veiligheid, onderwijs, gezondheidszorg, jeugdzorg en probleemwijken georganiseerd kan worden. We willen je opleiden tot reflective practitioner.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Religie en samenleving Wil je bijdragen aan het maatschappelijk debat over en de maatschappelijke rol van religie? Je bestudeert de voortdurend veranderende rol van religie, in verschillende culturen en samenlevingen.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Religious Studies Prepare yourself for participation in current debates in the international community of scholars of religion and making your own contributions to the field.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Research in Public Administration and Organisational Science This challenging two-year Master's programme focuses on key issues of Public Administration and Organisation Theory. It will help you gain in-depth knowledge about societal problems and critical challenges faced by organisations in the public domain.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Social Challenges, Policies and Interventions Social policy and interventions in the domain of health and wellbeing from an interdisciplinary perspective.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Social, Health and Organisational Psychology This programme will teach you how theories from the field of social, health and organisational psychology can contribute to the management of complex problems within these specific psychological areas.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Sociology: Contemporary Social Problems You will be thoroughly trained to analyse and advise on contemporary social issues. You will develop into an academic professional on your own chosen theme.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Sportbeleid en sportmanagement Dit masterprogramma besteedt aandacht aan het ontwikkelen en uitvoeren van beleid en het begeleiden en managen van sportgerelateerde organisaties, zoals bonden, verenigingen, gemeentes, koepelorganisaties.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Staats- en bestuursrecht De master Staats- en bestuursrecht stelt je als jurist goed in staat om kritisch te reflecteren op problemen vanuit juridisch en maatschappelijk perspectief.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Strafrecht De master Strafrecht leert je op een wetenschappelijk verantwoorde manier antwoorden te vinden op maatschappelijk relevante, strafrechtelijke vraagstukken.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Strategisch Human Resource Management In dit masterprogramma kijken we naar het managen van arbeid en personeel, niet alleen gericht op het belang van de organisatie (goede prestaties) maar ook van de medewerkers (bijvoorbeeld tevredenheid en motivatie) en de maatschappij.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Sustainable and Circular Chemistry Learn about the chemistry-specific aspects (molecules and materials) of the sustainability and circularity transition. This Master's provides a systems thinking framework to tackle challenges associated with these transitions in societal context.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Youth, Education and Society This interdisciplinary programme (Maatschappelijke opvoedingsvraagstukken) in Pedagogy teaches you to connect issues of youth and education to contemporary, (inter)national social issues.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year