Societal Impact Award

The Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance annually presents Societal Impact Awards to students, staff and alumni who (individually or in teams) have demonstrably contributed to addressing and helping solve a societal issue that is related to the faculty's education or research. With this award, the faculty aims to highlight projects, initiatives and actions that directly connect academic education and research with society, and reward outstanding projects with social impact.

These may pertain to an achievement at the macro level, such as within or via an international human rights organisation, an achievement at the meso level, such as a project in Utrecht or via an executive organisation, or an achievement at the micro level, such as combining teaching or research activities with migration issues.

These kinds of achievements fit in with the societal role and responsibility of our faculty, with a focus on the creation of ‘sustainable, healthy, safe and fair societies’. They also match with the societal engagement of many of our students and staff, as they construct a direct link between their academic activities – attending lectures, conducting research – and the external partners and practices.


Categories: Staff, Student and Alumnus

In order to achieve the award, a student, staff member or alumnus must have led a societal project or delivered a high-impact societal performance – individually or as a team – in the past academic year. A link with the faculty’s teaching or research activities is a prerequisite. New or long-term projects are allowed, and they must have directly resulted in societal actions or interventions, or more indirectly represent the taking of societal responsibility. In all cases, however, they must lead to accessible teaching and research, have an interrelation with societal partners and practices and/or have a demonstrable societal impact. In the ideal situation, the projects have been successful and yielded results, thereby representing something substantial – however specific the projects may be – and are supported by the stakeholders.


There are awards for staff staff, students and alumni. The awards consist of €1,000 prize money (to be used within the framework of the impact projects) and will be handed out during the faculty’s New Year’s get-together.

Societal Impact Award ceremony 2020